4★ King of the Crumbling Castle(50)
Runner Time Weapon Version Platform Note Weapon Name Spawn Date Operation
Derpish 01'24"01 14.0.0 PC 捕獲/Heroics / 火… Gates of Heave… C(10%) 2023-02-21 Detail Issue
Derpish 01'32"77 13.0.1 PC 団火/捕獲 Gates of Heaven C(10%) 2023-02-06 Detail Issue
ReioBellion 01'56"05 13.0.1 PC Heroics / 火事場力… Valstrax / バルフ… B(30%) 2023-01-20 Detail Issue
更新姬Tama 02'20"94 10.0.3 PC Slayed / 討伐 Valstrax / バルフ… A(60%) 2022-08-21 Detail Issue
TDS_judau 02'21"99 11.0.2 PC Capture / 捕獲 Valstrax / バルフ… C(10%) 2022-11-09 Detail Issue