Wind Narwa
★7 The Allmother(238)
Runner Time Weapon Rule Version Platform Note Weapon Name Date Operation
MHいつも 04'54"02 FR 3.2.0 Switch 団火 2021-07-31 Detail Issue
MHいつも 05'40"01 FR 3.0.0 Switch 2021-06-04 Detail Issue
へっぽこのぼーJr. 05'55"87 FR 3.0.0 Switch 団火 2021-06-03 Detail Issue
MHいつも 06'48"91 FR 3.0.0 Switch 2021-05-31 Detail Issue
へっぽこのぼーJr. 07'17"26 FR 3.0.0 Switch 2021-05-27 Detail Issue
South The Movie 09'18"99 FR 3.4.1 Switch 2021-10-17 Detail Issue