M6★ The Devil's Reincarnation(14)
Runner Time Weapon Rule Version Platform Note Date Operation
Vicarius_Gaming 02'18"92 TA 16.0.0 Switch 護石 狂化2チャージマス... 2024-03-07
Vicarius_Gaming 02'20"83 TA 16.0.0 Switch 護石狂化2チャージマスタ... 2024-02-28
Vicarius_Gaming 02'48"95 TA 16.0.0 Switch Talisman: He... 2023-08-14
Vicarius_Gaming 02'50"93 TA 16.0.0 Switch 護石業鎧3伏魔1s2-2... 2023-08-05
Vicarius_Gaming 03'35"48 TA 16.0.0 Switch 護石業鎧3伏魔1s2-2... 2023-06-28
テイク 04'22"75 TA 10.0.3 Switch 2022-08-01
和風和食 04'33"36 TA 14.0.0 Switch 護石弱特2s2-1/武器... 2023-03-20
Unga Bunga Potato 04'45"69 TA 14.0.0 Switch 護石ガード性能3速変2s... 2023-02-19
Alister 04'45"69 TA 14.0.0 Switch My old chann... 2023-03-09
ゆのみの茶庵 04'52"70 TA 16.0.0 Switch Talisman: Dr... 2023-08-22
ゆのみの茶庵 07'42"80 TA 13.0.1 Switch 護石攻撃3逆恨み1s3-... 2023-01-31
Lumini 08'51"62 TA 10.0.3 Switch Proof of con... 2022-07-29
ゆのみの茶庵 09'46"85 TA 10.0.3 Switch Gaismagorm LS 2022-08-04